e Based Systems, Informatikmethoden in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Gesellschaft, Statistik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Ökonometrie und Statistik, Operations Research, Systemanalyse und EDV
Title: TU Berlin, Computer Science Department
URI: http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/index.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: TU Berlin, Berlin University of Technology
Description: Homepage of Berlin University of Technology
Description: An Archive of Documents which descripes how to build diffrent colour boxes and how to use them. Boxes are usefull if you do not want to pay for a telephone call.
Keywords: Phreak, Hack, Telephone, Blue Box, Colour
Title: Boxing
URI: http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~pannier/boxes
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Credit Card Fraud
Description: Explains how to card stuff and much more.
ALIWEB-Title: AMANDA - Advanced Maryland Automated Network Disk Archiver Home Page.
Admin-Email: jds@cs.umd.edu
Admin-Name: Jaime daSilva
Author-Email: jds@cs.umd.edu
Author-Name: Jaime daSilva
Description: Amanda is a backup system designed to archive many computers on a network to a single large-capacity tape drive. This release is currently in daily use at the University of Maryland @ College Park, Computer Science Department, backing up all the disks on all the workstations in the dep
artment. Mailing archives can be found at <ftp://ftp.cs.umd.edu/pub/amanda/maillist-archives>.
Discussion: Mailing lists amanda-lists, amanda-announce, amanda-hackers. amanda-announce The amanda-announce mailing list is for important announcements related to the Amanda Network Backup Manager package, including new versions, contributions, and fixes. NOTE: the amanda-users list is itself on
the amanda-announce distribution, so you only need to subscribe to one of the two lists, not both. To subscribe, send a message to amanda-announce-request@cs.umd.edu. amanda-users The amanda-users mailing list is for questions and general discussion about the Amanda Network Backup Manager. This pa
ckage and related files are available via anonymous FTP from ftp.cs.umd.edu in the pub/amanda directory. NOTE: the amanda-users list is itself on the amanda-announce distribution, so you only need to subscribe to one of the two lists, not both. To subscribe, send a message to amanda-users-request@
cs.umd.edu. amanda-hackers The amanda-hackers mailing list is for discussion of the technical details of the Amanda package, including extensions, ports, bugs, fixes, and alpha testing of new versions. To subscribe, send a message to amanda-hackers-request@cs.umd.edu.
Description: Alpha is a Shareware Macintosh text editor. Alpha supports many of the key bindings and central concepts of GNU Emacs. It is not a port, however, and uses a Tcl instead of LISP as an extension language.
Discussion: Mailing list mactcl Subscribe to the mactcl mailing list by sending mail to listproc@SunLabs.Eng.Sun.COM with "subscribe mactcl your name" as the body.
Keywords: Macintosh, editor, tcl
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Fri Jun 30 16:53:06 EDT 1995
Record-Last-Modified-Email: chang@cs.umd.edu
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Mike Chang
Title: Alpha Home Page
URI: http://www.cs.umd.edu/~keleher/alpha.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Turkish Poetry Page
Admin-Email: sibel@cs.umd.edu
Admin-Name: Sibel Adali
Description: A collection of Turkish poems posted in various places. Poems are in Turkish, including some English translations.
ALIWEB-Title: Essential Windows NT Software on the Net
Admin-Email: rgc@cs.umd.edu
Admin-Name: Ross Cutler
Description: This is a collection of links to software available on the net that I find very useful for Windows NT 3.5. Each item has a brief description and then one or more locations to retrieve it.
ALIWEB-Title: Classification Systems of Mathematics and Computer Science
Author-Handle: jo@zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de
Description: Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC 91): Table of Main Areas, Searchable Index, and Full Version. ACM's Computing Reviews (CR) Classification System: Table of Main Areas, Searchable Index, and Full Version.
ALIWEB-Title: The Visual Programming and Software Reuse group, Geneva University
Author-Handle: bertrand@cui.unige.ch
Description: The research activities of the Visual Programming and Software Reuse group are carried out mainly in two directions: Visual programming with multiple paradigms, using graphical specification, and automatic program generation; Software reuse based on natural language analysis of both us
er queries and descriptions of software components.The classification system has a knowledge acquisition mechanism that automatically extracts lexical, syntactic and semantic information from software descriptions, and uses this knowledge to create a frame-like internal representation (the indexing
Title: The Visual Programming and Software Reuse group, Geneva University
URI: http://cuiwww.unige.ch/eao/www/readme.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Comp.Lang.Visual - Frequently-Asked Questions List
Author-Handle: bertrand@cui.unige.ch
Description: This is a draft of the comp.lang.visual frequently-asked questions list, prepared by Dave McIntyre (mcintyre@is.morgan.com). It deals with visual languages and visual programming.
Keywords: visual, language, programming, FAQ
Title: Comp.Lang.Visual - Frequently-Asked Questions List
Description: A Forms-interface to collected W3 and internet search engines
Keywords: search, meta-index
Title: W3 Search Engines Meta-Index
URI: http://cuiwww.unige.ch/meta-index.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Simon Gibbs' WWW Home Page
Description: a hypermedia home page
Keywords: multimedia, hypermedia
Title: Simon Gibbs' WWW Home Page
URI: http://cuiwww.unige.ch/OSG/Simon
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: WWW Quest
Description: an Internet/WWW mystery quest
Keywords: mystery, quest, hidden links
Title: WWW Quest
URI: http://cuiwww.unige.ch/OSG/Quest
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The Visual Programming and Software Reuse group, Geneva University
Author-Handle: bertrand@cui.unige.ch
Description: The research activities of the Visual Programming and Software Reuse group are carried out mainly in two directions: Visual programming with multiple paradigms, using graphical specification, and automatic program generation; Software reuse based on natural language analysis of both us
er queries and descriptions of software components.The classification system has a knowledge acquisition mechanism that automatically extracts lexical, syntactic and semantic information from software descriptions, and uses this knowledge to create a frame-like internal representation (the indexing
Title: The Visual Programming and Software Reuse group, Geneva University
URI: http://cuiwww.unige.ch/eao/www/readme.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Comp.Lang.Visual - Frequently-Asked Questions List
Author-Handle: bertrand@cui.unige.ch
Description: This is a draft of the comp.lang.visual frequently-asked questions list, prepared by Dave McIntyre (mcintyre@is.morgan.com). It deals with visual languages and visual programming.
Keywords: visual, language, programming, FAQ
Title: Comp.Lang.Visual - Frequently-Asked Questions List
ALIWEB-Title: Building a Better Reactor Through Research
Keywords: Advanced Neutron Source, ANS, neutron research, materials, medical treatments, research reactor
Title: Building a Better Reactor Through Research
URI: http://www.ornl.gov/ORNLReview/rev27-12/text/reamain.html Description: Article on the the research involved in planning to build the Advanced Neutron Source research reactor
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Laser Ablation - Opening Doors to New Materials for Industry
Description: Article on laser ablation and its role in the development of new materials with novel properties